You can create PDF score sheets and printouts under the Details of the meet/meeting by clicking on the Generate PDF button or (ii) in the start list view.

This guide is organized/organised as follows:

Creating PDF score sheets under Details

To generate a PDF file under Details, click the Generate PDF button on the left-hand side.

Clicking the button will open the PDF generation dialogue. Select Score sheets as a Type, and you will be able to select additional options:

  • Scope - print all events, only field events or only track events.
  • Order - allows you to sort events by name or start time.
  • Language - decide in what language the file should be generated.
  • Units - metric or imperial (ft-in).
  • Ignore visibility settings - by selecting this option, you can still print hidden events if you hide them using the Event visibility feature (for more information, see the Event visibility guide).

When your setup is ready, click the Generate button. It will open the print dialogue where you can print the file, as well as select additional options depending on your browser. Here are some examples:

  • Select Headers and footers to include generation timestamps, pages and a meet/meeting name.
  • Change the Scale if you want to use a smaller or bigger font.
  • Select Save as PDF if you want to save the file.

Creating PDF score sheets per event

To generate a PDF score sheet file under the Start lists view, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Generate PDF. It will open the same dialogue as in the Details page, with additional options to generate files per event or group of events.

Select Score sheets as a Type, and you will be able to select the same options as under Details, with additional options to generate a file for the current group, stage or the whole event.

Adding heights to vertical jumps events score sheets

If you want to add heights to the header of high jump or pole vault events score sheets, please add them in the Results view of the event in Roster web admin or the Meet Mgmt app. For more information, see the High jump, pole vault and Field Events: High Jump and Pole Vault guides.

Example of the score sheet: