Release note (v. 2021.12.1) - December 3, 2021
- Verified and Non-verified records: We have added the ability for a registrant/participant to add their PB and SB (read more here). Records that can be verified by a trusted source (e.g., Tilastopaja) will be marked as such. Non-verified records entered by registrants/participants will be marked with a yellow mark so that the organizer has an easy overview of which records are verified and which are not. As an organizer, you can clear all records on the start list and/or add from the records job (where you can select to include only verified records, or both verified and non-verified records). Read more here.
Note: If records are not added manually, but an existing Tilastopaja profile exists, records will be updated automatically.
- License check: If a registrant has an invalid license, he/she will remain pending until the organizer makes a decision to either confirm the rejection or approve despite missing a valid license.
Release note (v. 2021.11.2) - November 30, 2021
Registration: Today, we have launched our highly anticipated registration platform. As an organizer, you will need to connect your Roster account with a Stripe account to receive payments from your participants. Read more here. Once connected, you can set up your meeting with all of the necessary registration details (e.g., qualification standard, price per event, etc.) and open it for participants to register. If an event is free of charge, you should give the event a price of 0. As an organizer, you will have a full dashboard of all participants and can control who can participate and who should be refunded their registration fee if a participant cannot compete for some reason. The participant (or registrant, in the case of a parent or coach signing up on behalf of others) can access registration via Read more here.
This is the first version of the registration platform, and many more features will follow. It is important to mention that you will not be able to sign up for relay teams at this time (this will be added in the next version). Additional upcoming features include a club payment module (where a club can pay for all of its athletes), check-in functionality and discounts for subsequent events, among others.
You can reach out to [email protected] if your organization is interested in getting access to the registration portal. Please note that currently, not all countries and currencies are supported.
- Schedule: We have added search to the schedule.
- Meeting browser: We have added additional filters to the meeting browser, such as meeting status and date ranges.
- Roster Agent app for FinishLynx (Windows and Linux): The new version 1.0.21 is available here with support for the Swedish language.
Release note (v. 2021.11.1) - November 10, 2021
- Sign-in: We have added the ability to connect your Roster account with an Apple, Google or Facebook profile so that you can log in with credentials from these services.
- Organizations: If you are associated with more than one organization (school or club), you can easily switch between them.
- Age group verification: As the organizer, you can select if athletes should compete (i) only in their own age group, (ii) in their own age group or the youth division of an older age group (younger if masters), or (iii) in the open group so that they can compete in any age group.
- Participant overview: We have added a menu item where you can see all participants in your meeting.
- Export results to CSV: We have added a format for "Power of 10", which can be downloaded if the meeting is in the UK.
- Scoreboards: Your preference in font size will be remembered the next time you log in.
- FinishLynx: You are now able to transfer stacked lanes to FinishLynx.
- Scoresheets: An athlete with a DNS status will be shown on the scoresheet.
- Upload of athletes via CSV: We have improved the ability to create athletes or relay teams from the CSV upload view.
- Permissions: The permissions view has been updated.
Release note (v. 2021.09.1) - September 2, 2021
- Start lists/results: You can hover over the event and see the start time in the start list and the results view (when sorted by the event name).
- Combined events: The total score includes only finalized events. You can also see a total score that includes ongoing events and the score for any ongoing event itself. These are marked in italic font. Also, the ranking in the overall combined event is automatically updated after an underlying event is marked finished.
Release note (v. 2021.06.1) - June 25, 2021
- Scoreboards: We have added options for tabs related to scoreboards. See more here.
- Roster Agent app for FinishLynx (Windows and Linux): The new version 1.0.19 is available here.
SUNSETTING - Roster Agent for FinishLynx (only applies to the iOS app)
We will sunset the Roster Agent app for iOS. Given that FinishLynx only runs on Windows, we will focus on support for the Windows (and Linux) versions of the Roster Agent app.
If you currently use the Roster Agent iOS app and this change creates an issue for you, please reach out to us via [email protected].
Release note (v. 2021.05.3-2) - June 10, 2021
- Age groups: New age groups for schools in the UK.
- Results / Start lists / CSV: We have included a column to distinguish combined events from individual events.
Release note (v. 2021.05.3) - May 13, 2021
- FinishLynx integration: We have included an option to exclude athletes with DNS when sending data to FinishLynx (e.g., when you already know before the competition that the athlete will not show up, but you do not want to remove him/her).
- Results / CSV: We have included points from team competitions in the results-CSV files (Updated on May 19).

Release note (v. 2021.05.1) - May 1, 2021
- Team competitions: We have included a new team scoring method for point-based team competitions. This model takes into account the total number of scoring results for a team.
- Combined events: This is only relevant for Denmark. We have added six new triathlons, including point tables ("DGI Nåle 3-kampe").
Release note (v. 2021.04.1) - April 6, 2021
- Feed: We have added the ability to disable the feed, or to restrict it so that only the organizer has the ability to post a message. Read more here.
- Model selection for field events: You can now select the model for who and how to progress from the first three rounds to the last three rounds in horizontal jumps and throws. Read more here.
- Governing body approval: This feature is only relevant for governing bodies. A governing body can now download results (CSV or PDF files) from the governing body page.
Remember to update the Roster Athletics Meet Mgmt app to avoid any issues with the model selection for attempts in field events.
- Seeding: We have included an option to reverse the order of groups, and expanded the parameters to sort from to include Club and Team.
- Details: The default for "Birthday visibility" is changed to YoB from DoB.
- PDF (results): Birthday information and organizer name have been added to condensed results in PDFs.
- Results: In events with several groups, rankings in summaries are now updated when changing a result in an underlying group after the event is marked finished.
- Adding athletes: The school grade field is shown as standard when adding an athlete with USA as the country.
- Public overview: Country has been added as a filter for the public overview.
- Profile settings: All your profile settings are now in one place.
- Results in high jump and pole vault: You can now change the navigation with the tab key.

All the best from the Roster team
Release note (v. 2021.01.1) - January 15, 2021
- BIB allocation: This feature provides you with an easy way to assign and allocate bibs to athletes in your meeting. Read more here.
Remember to update the Roster Athletics Meet Mgmt app to avoid any issues with bibs.
- Schedule: We have improved the way you can sort/organize the schedule.
- Team competition: Two new team scoring methods based on point scoring tables have been added (see more here
We hope that you enjoy these new features.
All the best from the Roster team