The Roster platform provides the capability to set up mixed-gender events of various types:

  1. General mixed gender events: where female and male individual competitors can participate together in the same event, and all-male or all-female relay teams can compete together in the same event.
  2. Specific MIXED TEAM mixed gender relay events: where each relay team includes female and male athletes on a single team, such as the World Athletics mixed 4x400m relay event.


Using .csv file upload for adding or creating mixed-gender events will be covered at the end of this guide.

General mixed-gender events


As an organizer/organiser, you may wish to have events where female and male competitors are all added to a single start list due to possible scheduling or expediency reasons in having them participate together.


Events can be selected in the Male, Female, or Mixed categories when choosing Events in the main options for your meeting. Select Mixed to add mixed events to your meeting. Please see the Choosing events guide for more details on selecting event types.

Mixed individual events allow you to add female and male athletes to the start list.

Mixed relay events (not MIXED TEAM relays, as it’s a special case and explained below) allow you to add either all male or all female teams to the start list to compete in the same event.

Note that start lists and results for mixed events can be viewed in both the:

  • Mixed event results category (editable)
  • respective Men and Women categories (non-editable) if you select Breakdown, Men, Women, in addition to Mixed in the Results search filter. Breakdowns will also include specific age groups when multi-age groups are used. These gender-specific breakdowns are for viewing only and are not editable.

For team competitions:

  • Mixed-gender events (parent) count towards mixed-gender team competitions (and not to single-gender teams comps), if they exist, and the athletes are assigned to the appropriate mixed-gender team on the start list.
  • Mixed-gender events (single-gender breakdowns) count towards single-gender team competitions (and not to mixed teams comps) if they exist, and athletes are assigned to the appropriate single-gender team on the start list.

Please see the Team competitions user guide for more details.

Mixed-gender relay events will contribute to the Mixed team competition only if each team is assigned to a mixed-gender team on the start list.

Initial records in the mixed gender events will be under the specific gender (Men or Women) respectively.

Specific MIXED TEAM mixed gender relay events

There is a special class of events for mixed-team relays, where each team can have female and male athletes on the relay team. These events are designated 4x___m MIXED TEAM.

Once you have added relay teams, you can assign both male and female athletes to each team.

Mixed-gender MIXED TEAM relay events will contribute to the Mixed team competition only if each team is assigned to a mixed-gender team on the start list.

Using CSV file upload to add or create mixed-gender events

Please also see the Add athletes from a CSV file user guide for all details related to using .csv for file upload to the Roster platform.

SPECIAL CASE for mixed-gender individual events

If you want to upload an event which is mixed gender, you will need to add a Male or Female for each athlete and give all athletes the same Start List ID (StartListId). In doing so, the start list will be uploaded as a mixed event. 


SPECIAL CASE for mixed-gender relay events (separate male and female teams in one event)

If you have an event where separate female and male teams are running in the same event, set the StartListId to be the same value for all the teams, and they will all appear in the Start list under the same event.

SPECIAL CASE for 4x400m MIXED TEAM mixed gender relay teams and event (male and female athletes together on the same relay team)

The special 4x400m MIXED TEAM relay (or any other mixed team relay, 4x___m MiXED TEAM, with male and female athletes on the same team) designates a relay event where teams are comprised of both male and female athletes on the same relay team (e.g. Bella, Wendy, Steven, and Tom on one relay team). Specify in the CSV upload: 

  • EventCode is 4x400m MIXED TEAM (or other applicable 4x___m MIXED TEAM)
  • Gender for RelayTeamName row is Mixed
  • Each athlete is Male or Female as appropriate
  • Set the same RelayID for each athlete as described above for regular relays