If you are having trouble logging into your account on Roster Athletics, it may be because you have multiple Single Sign-On (SSO) accounts associated with the same email address. To solve this problem, either log in using your Google/Apple/Facebook account or delete the duplicate SSO account(s) (recommended).

How to delete the account?

You can delete your account on the registration platform or in the Roster Athletics mobile app.

Delete on registration platform

Log in using your Google/Apple/Facebook SSO account at https://meets.rosterathletics.com/public/login

Open the user menu in the upper right corner of the screen and select Profile & Settings.

In the Settings window, go to the Delete tab and click the Delete button.

Delete in Roster Athletics app

Open the app menu in the upper left corner of the screen and log in to your Google/Apple/Facebook SSO account.

Once logged in, select SETTINGS from the app menu and click Delete account.

Please note: If you choose not to delete your duplicate SSO account(s) with the same email address (you can only have one SSO with a particular email address), these account(s) will be treated as separate Roster Athletics profiles (this means that, for example, athletes added to one account will not be visible on the other account) and you will not be able to log in via your email address.