Hide or change the visibility of the events of your meet/meeting through the Meets/Meetings Event visibility page.

Here, you are able to:

  • Hide events,
  • Make them visible only in the schedule (no start lists, no results),
  • Hide results,
  • Hide information about the event start.

Changing the visibility

The Event visibility view lists all events added to the meet/meeting (without groups/heats and summaries) and includes information about the Event name, Title (if exists), Gender, Age group, Stage, date/time Start, and number of Participants.

You can filter and sort the list of events using multiple levels of sorting. To select the sorting parameter, click on the header of the column (click again to change the order and again to deactivate the parameter). If at least two sorting parameters are active, you can drag and drop them to reorder the Sort order list. 

Additionally, you can filter the list of events by participants. Click the Participants and select the Empty or Non-empty filter to see events with empty or non-empty start lists.

To change the Date/time visibility, click on the clock icon and select:

  • Hidden if the schedule is not ready or you don't want to show the event start,
  • Visible (default) if the event start should be visible.

To change the Event visibility, click on the eye icon and select one of the four options:

  • Hidden if the event should not be visible,
  • Schedule if the event should be visible only in the schedule (start lists and results should not be visible),
  • Schedule & start lists if the results of the event should not be visible,
  • Full visibility (default) if all information about the event should be visible.

Please note (*): If the registration is enabled, all events will be visible in the registration platform (Registration and Events tabs) regardless of the Event visibility. It allows you to open registration for your meet/meeting and keep information about the start lists and results hidden for fans.

Event visibilityStart time

HiddenScheduleSchedule & start listsFull visibilityHiddenVisible
Web adminVisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleVisible
Meet MgmtVisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleVisible
Consumer app (Schedule)HiddenVisibleVisibleVisibleHiddenVisible
Consumer app (Start lists)HiddenHiddenVisibleVisibleHiddenVisible
Consumer app (Results)HiddenHiddenHiddenVisibleHiddenVisible
Schedule PDFHidden **VisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleVisible
Start lists PDFHidden **Hidden **VisibleVisibleVisibleVisible
Results PDFHidden **Hidden **Hidden **VisibleVisibleVisible
Meets (Events)Hidden *VisibleVisibleVisibleHiddenVisible
Meets (Registration)VisibleVisibleVisibleVisibleHiddenVisible
Meets (Participants)HiddenHiddenVisibleVisibleHiddenVisible

Please note (**): When generating PDF files, you can print hidden events by selecting the Ignore visibility settings option.

Date/time and/or Event visibility can be changed individually or in bulk by selecting the checkboxes on the left-hand side and pressing the appropriate Modify selection option.

You can also change the Date/time and/or Event visibility in the Start lists and Results.